The Vow of Direct Disciples of Ikeda Sensei toward 2024 Soka Gakkai’s theme “Year of Fresh Departure for a Youthful Soka Gakkai Worldwide”
Youthful Leaders throughout Japan and the World Standing Up
Article Translated from Seikyo Shimbun on November 23, 2023
Direct disciples of Ikeda sensei from all over the world have inherited the vow and set sail for the “Year of Fresh Departure of a Youthful Soka Gakkai Worldwide”. Seikyo Shimbun publishes the voices of young leaders throughout Japan and all over the world.
Japan Young Men’s Division (YMD) Leader, Hideaki Yanashima
“Shinichi Yamamoto of the New Era”

3rd from right: Young Men’s Division Leader, Hideaki Yanashima
Over the past few days, I have been filled with tears of gratitude. How happy I am to have Ikeda Sensei, the foremost mentor of the world in my life!
Since 2010, Sensei has created the time and left behind ‘a model mentor in our heart’. In these 13 years, we were able to engage in dialogues with Sensei in our heart while he was watching over us. “Sensei, I will strive again today”, “If it is sensei, what will he do?”, “Sensei, today too I am grateful.”
He also taught us that through dialogues, disciples will be deeply awakened that they can be the ‘representation’ of Shin’ichi Yamamoto.
Therefore, the YMD came up with this slogan, “I am Shin’ichi Yamamoto of the new era!” – We have called out at this moment and we will continue to call out this powerful slogan of the shared vow of mentor and disciple.
Sensei, don’t worry! ‘The Shin’ichi Yamamotos, in countless tens and hundreds of thousands’ that Ikeda Sensei left behind are all standing up and saying, “Now is the time for the disciples to stand up!” We will protect ‘Soka Gakkai’, the life of Sensei with our own hands and achieve kosen-rufu worldwide!
Youths who embrace their ‘eternal mentor’ in their heart and move forward will never be defeated. No matter what difficulties we face or bear the brunt of attack, through dialogues held with the spirit of propagating the law and refuting the erroneous and revealing the true, we will show the world the greatness of Ikeda sensei, the splendour of the Soka Gakkai and the joy of faith.

Ikeda Sensei expresses his gratitude through his sincere words to the members of HKSGI Brass Band corps and Fife & Drum as they perform a heartfelt performance (January 1991 at the Hong Kong Cultural Center). Hong Kong is the country which Ikeda Sensei took his first step towards kosen-rufu in Asia. The Westward transmission of Buddhism as Nichiren Daishonin prophesized, has become a reality through the actions of Sensei, stemming out from his compassion for humanity and the shared struggle of Mentor and Disciple.
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