The Vow of Direct Disciples of Ikeda Sensei toward 2024 Soka Gakkai’s theme “Year of Fresh Departure for a Youthful Soka Gakkai Worldwide”
Youthful Leaders throughout Japan and the World Standing Up
Article Translated from Seikyo Shimbun on November 23, 2023
Direct disciples of Ikeda sensei from all over the world have inherited the vow and set sail for the “Year of Fresh Departure of a Youthful Soka Gakkai Worldwide”. Seikyo Shimbun publishes the voices of young leaders throughout Japan and all over the world.
Japan Ikeda Kayo-kai Leader, Reiko Hayashi
Together with my Mentor now My Heart is as Brilliant as the Sun

3rd from right: Reiko Hayashi (Ikeda Kayo-kai group leader)
‘Ikeda Kayo-Kai’ – We are thankful that our Ikeda Kayokai group’s name is prefixed with our mentor’s family name “Ikeda”.
In the last of the ‘Five Eternal Guidelines of Ikeda Kayo-kai’, it states, ‘Open the gateway to the eternal victory of mentor and disciple.’ It was presented by Sensei with the thought of ‘bringing happiness to everyone without exception’.
No matter how deep I feel for my grief, I want to be a sun to uphold this noble mission in my heart and send hope to my members. I want to promote the greatness of my mentor and believe that this is the direct path of mentor and disciple Ikeda Kayo-kai should advance.
Whether I sink in sorrow, or I set myself ablaze with determination, whenever I opened the novel ‘The New Human Revolution,’ I meet Sensei in the pages of the novel I read and was deeply encouraged by him. It was here that I established numerous prime points of mentor and disciple. When I think of my mentor, infinite courage springs forth and there is no barrier that I can’t surmount. Sensei taught us that the noblest and happiest way to live is to practice the spirit of the oneness of mentor and disciple of Soka.
As we engage in heart-to-heart dialogue with our mentor and fulfilling our Kayo’s vow, we can transcend distance and time in an instant and write the golden history of the shared struggle of mentor and disciple.
‘Together with my mentor now’—this spirit embodies the unchanging vow that connects Ikeda Sensei and Ikeda Kayo-kai.”
This is the moment for us to repay our obligations to our mentor in our hearts, strengthen the unity of Ikeda Kayo sisters and stand up to fulfill the mission of Ikeda Kayo to illuminate the hearts of our friends to whom we have formed a connection with.
We will proudly make brilliant stride on the great path of kosen-rufu together with Ikeda Sensei into the eternal future.
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