The Vow of Direct Disciples of Ikeda Sensei toward 2024 Soka Gakkai’s theme “Year of Fresh Departure for a Youthful Soka Gakkai Worldwide”
Youthful Leaders throughout Japan and the World Standing Up
Article Translated from Seikyo Shimbun on November 23, 2023
Direct disciples of Ikeda sensei from all over the world have inherited the vow and set sail for the “Year of Fresh Departure of a Youthful Soka Gakkai Worldwide”. Seikyo Shimbun publishes the voices of young leaders throughout Japan and all over the world.
SGI Korea Young Women’s Division (YWD) Leader, Hwang Hae Jeong
Dedicating Myself to Encouraging my Friends with my Mentor in my Heart

Ms Hwang Hae Jeong SGI Korean YWD Leader
When I heard the news of Ikeda Sensei’s passing, I could not believe it at first and was overwhelmed with grief. However, when I remembered how Ikeda sensei was during Toda Sensei’s passing, I realised that as a member of Ikeda-kayokai, I must become a strong disciple in order to let Sensei feels at ease. I chanted daimoku repeatedly with this determination deeply etched in my heart.
Every Young Women Division (YWD) member also chanted daimoku and recall the prime point of mentor etched in their life during the commemorative services.
A member determined to engrave this message once more in her heart, “Let’s realize the romance of kosen-rufu of our mentor without fail!” Another member wrote about her appreciation and obligation for being Sensei’s disciple. A flood of emails has been received from all over Korea.
I deeply feel that Sensei was setting the stage for his disciples to grow until the very end.
When I think of the compassion and encouragement I received from sensei, I feel that I still have a long way to go. However, I am deeply determined to do my best and sprint forward to the very end for the happiness and growth of the YWD members in KSGI as a representative of Sensei.
Embracing this passage in my mind, ‘Those persons who had heard the Law dwelled here and there in various Buddha lands, constantly reborn in company with their teachers,’ (Lotus Sutra, Chap 7), I will engage in dialogue with Sensei every day, and put into practice the trainings I have been receiving so far. Now once again, I will write the history of my shared struggle with mentor.
Sensei, please watch over us! As an eternal disciple of sensei across the 3 existences of past, present and future, I will continue to move forward without taking a step back for kosen-rufu and world peace.
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