The Vow of Direct Disciples of Ikeda Sensei toward 2024 Soka Gakkai’s theme “Year of Fresh Departure for a Youthful Soka Gakkai Worldwide”
Youthful Leaders throughout Japan and the World Standing Up
Article Translated from Seikyo Shimbun on November 23, 2023
Direct disciples of Ikeda sensei from all over the world have inherited the vow and set sail for the “Year of Fresh Departure of a Youthful Soka Gakkai Worldwide”. Seikyo Shimbun publishes the voices of young leaders throughout Japan and all over the world.
Brazil Young Men’s Division Leader (YMD), Edjan Santos
With the pride of a Champion, let’s Strive on the path of the Shared Struggle of Mentor and Disciple

Edjan Santos, Brazil YMD Leader
I am born and raised in the garden of Soka and regarded Ikeda Sensei as my life’s mentor and spiritual model since young. I will continue to live out my life in the same way as these 35 years.
I never had a chance to meet sensei in person, but that’s not important to me. Every day when I chant daimoku to the Gohonzon, I am holding a dialogue with sensei and when I meet with my members too, I am always keeping in mind to be with sensei.
Among some of the unforgettable events were the “Culture Festival in the Rain” (1999) performed by the Future Division (FD) and the “New Era Youth Champion Culture General Meeting” held by the Young Men Division (YMD) (2009). We are able to meet Sensei in our heart in the moment our members share the joyous spirit to make a vow to repay the obligation to our mentor.
Even in Brazil, a country which embraces diverse cultures, ethnic groups, and society, the seeds of the Mystic Law sown by Sensei have blossomed, and the voice of the Mystic Law ‘Muito mais daimoku’ (more daimoku) is resounding all over Brazil.
We are proud to be called ‘the champion of the world, Brazil’ and determined to be a model for expansion and further expand this beautiful garden of human flowers, adorned by the world of Buddhahood.
The Brazilian SGI Youth Division will live and struggle for eternity with our mentor of the three existences of past, present and future and we deeply determine to write “volume 31” of the novel The New Human Revolution that depicts our victorious drama.
In addition, we would like to hold a general meeting to meet Ikeda Sensei once again with a solidarity of 100,000 youth division members in May next year that marks the 40th anniversary of Ikeda sensei’s third visit to Brazil, where the great culture festival was held.
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