Commendation of Achievements for Peace, Culture, and Education
From Heads of State, Ambassadors, International Organizations, and Universities

Translated  from Seikyo Shimbun Article on November 23, 2023 

Striving to achieve a Century of Happiness for all people, Daisaku Ikeda has cultivated friendships with leaders and thinking people from various fields, and created tides of peace, culture, and education. In praise of his noble life, many condolences have been received from within Japan and abroad. Here are some of the messages (in no particular order):

“Mr. Daisaku Ikeda gave humanity hope and direction to courageously face the complexities and trial in today’s world. We pay tribute to Mr. Ikeda’s creative energy and intellectual breadth, which exquisitely expressed the perspective of human values ​​and ideals, bringing out the best in each of us. Mr Ikeda’s life, his teachings, and his boundless empathy for all people is a true blessing for all humanity.”
~ Former UN Under-Secretary-General, Anwarul Karim Chowdhury 


“I cherish the memories of many meetings and dialogue with Mr. Ikeda. Though I am saddened by his death, I want to express my gratitude to Mr. Ikeda for the many people he inspired. Now is the opportunity for us to renew our determination to follow the path that he has shown.”  
~ Larry Hickman, former president of the John Dewey Society


“I remember my meeting with Mr and Mrs Ikeda. How warmly they welcomed me! They truly embodied the ‘spirit of hospitality’ that Emerson praised! At that time, Mr Ikeda encouraged me on my role as an educator and my work towards peace. I am more determined than ever to cherish this friendship to create peace at all times.”
~ Sarah Ann Wider, Past President of the Ralph Waldo Emerson Society 

South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol sent a message of condolence on November 21. Prime Minister Fumio Kishida visited Soka Gakkai Headquarters and Shinanomachi, Tokyo on November 19 to send his condolences. On the November 22, Cai Qi, Director of the General Office of the Central Committee  of the Chinese Communist Party conveyed their sincere condolences through Natsuo Yamaguchi, a representative of Komei Party who is visiting China. 

Ambassadors expressing condolences includes Sibi George of India, Mohamed Abubakr Saleh Fattah of Egypt, Mohamed Al-Busaidi of Oman, Ambassador Yun Duk-min of South Korea, Katia Monson of Cuba, Shorna Kay M. Richards of Jamaica; Ong Eng Chuan of Singapore, Aleksandra Kovač of Serbia, Peter Adelbai of Palau, Lulama Smuts Ngonyama of South Africa, former Ambassador Mikhail Galuzin (current Deputy Foreign Minister) of Russia, and Gennady Ovechko.of Russia. Rahm Emanuel, Ambassador of the United States and Teimuraz Lezhava, Ambassador of Georgia also expressed their condolences on social media. 

In addition, condolences were expressed by Co-Presidents of Club of Rome, Mamphela Ramphele and Sandrine Dixson- Declève, Vice-President Carlos Álvarez Pereira, Secretary-General Milian Bilera of the Earth Charter International, Honorary Chairman David Krieger of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, former Co-President Ira Helfand of IPPNW (International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War), Dr. Ella Gandhi, granddaughter of Mahatma Gandhi, Honorary President A. Padmanabhan of the World Poetry Society, Deputy Leader Asla Toya of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, Director Kaoru Nemoto of the United Nations Information Centre, UNHCR Representative in Japan Ayaki Ito, and Secretary-General of the UNHCR Association Masayuki Kawai. 

From the education and academic world, Chairperson Sethu Kumanan and President Meera Murugesan of Soka Ikeda College of Arts and Science for Women in India, Noranit Setabutr of former chairperson of Thammasat University Council in Thailand, President Pornchai Mongkhonvanit of Siam University, and President Zosimo Battad of the University of the East, Professor Emeritus Jim Garrison of Virginia Tech, USA, Professor Emeritus J. Forbes Munro of the University of Glasgow, UK, Professor Emeritus Stuart Rees of the University of Sydney, Australia, and Ken McNab, a Peace Fellow at the same university; Mr. McNab, Professor Kent E. Calder of the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies in the United States, Professor Kenneth M. Price of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Professor Isabel Nuñez of Purdue University, Professor Anita Patterson of Boston University, Kevin Clements, Director of the Toda Memorial International Peace Institute, University of Alcalá, Spain, `Daisaku Ikeda’s Education and Development’ Director Alejandro Iborra, Deputy Director Ana Belén García Barreras and Dr. Carlos Rubio, general supervisor of the Spanish edition of The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin. 

Additionally, condolences were extened by Lokesh Chandra, President of the International Academy of Indian Culture; Neelakanta Radhakrishnan, President of the Indian Council for Gandhian Research; Marco Impagliazzo, President and Alberto Quattrucci, Secretary General of the Sant Egidio Community; and Saint Egidio for Peace and Dialogue; Andrea Bartoli, President of the Sant’Egidio Foundation for Peace and Dialogue; Stefano Davide Bettera, President of the European Buddhist Federation; Ramesh Jaura, President and Editor-in-Chief of the International Press Syndicate (INPS), and Dr. Shihab Ghanem, a poet from the United Arab Emirates.  

Major media outlets around the world including Reuters, the AP News, BBC in UK, and Russian news agencies also reported Sensei’s passing. 



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