Similar to Japan’s Soka Gakkai, the SGI tri-color flag flies at half-mast from Nov. 18, Soka Gakkai Founding Day, at the SGI-USA. SGI-USA posted on their IG that that : During one of his 27 visits to the United States, Sensei said the following to the American members: “You are always in my heart. We are linked through Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. As long as you continue to strive for kosen-rufu with the same determination as I have, we will be connected. That’s the unity of mentor and disciple. And the mentor-disciple relationship in Buddhism is eternal and everlasting, which means that we’ll be together not just in this existence but in the next too” (NHR, vol. 19).
与日本创价学会同步,自11月18日创价学会结成之日起,SGI三色旗在美国SGI总部下半旗致哀。 美国SGI在其IG上表示- 恩师在27次访问美国的其中一次,对美国会员说了这样的话:“你们永远在我心里。 我们都能通过南无妙法莲华经联系在一起。 只要你们像我一样,继续为广宣流布而努力,我们就会结集在一起。 这就是师弟不二。 而佛教中的师弟关系是永恒的,这意味着我们不仅今生会在一起,来世也会在一起”(《新人间革命》第19卷)。

The SGI tri-color flag flies at half-mast on Nov. 18, Soka Gakkai Founding Day, at the SGI-USA Headquarters in Santa Monica, California
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