The curtain on a grand new stage of human revolution has risen. I am waiting for true-hearted disciples who blaze with the same invincible fighting spirit for kosen-rufu that I do. I have faith in their efforts and their successes.

The Soka Gakkai has endured one hardship after another to open the way for kosen-rufu. Looking back on the efforts of the Soka mentors and disciples in the pioneering days of our movement, we cannot allow ourselves to relax in our efforts. The Daishonin instructs: “Strengthen your faith day by day and month after month. Should you slacken in your resolve even a bit, devils will take advantage” (WND-1, 997). Let us constantly bear these words in mind.

Wherever and whenever disciples with the same spirit for kosen-rufu as their mentor rise into action, the bright flame of Soka soars high.

We must not put off; the time is now. The Daishonin urges us: “Strengthen your resolve more than ever” (WND-1, 615), and “Summon up the great power of faith more than ever” (WND-1, 1000).

The curtain on a grand new stage of human revolution has risen. I am waiting for true-hearted disciples who blaze with the same invincible fighting spirit for kosen-rufu that I do. I have faith in their efforts and their successes. 

Rise up as lions,

advance as lions,

and triumph as lions!

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