All of you have the supreme and unparalleled life purpose of realising kosen-rufu, of creating world peace and happiness for all humanity…

All of you have the supreme and unparalleled life purpose of realising kosen-rufu, of creating world peace and happiness for all humanity. To do your best each day at work based on the great vow of kosen-rufu is the spirit of “regarding your service to your lord as the practice of the Lotus Sutra.” 

As a youth striving to achieve that great vow, please chant with the strong and expansive determination to become the best employee and make your workplace and the company or organisation you work for the best there is. Faith is manifested as your strength and ability as an individual. Therefore, please chant earnestly, study hard, exert yourself, be creative and enterprising, and throw all your youthful energy into your work. Doing so will bring you wonderful results. ​​

Even if things don’t go the way you’d hoped, chant more daimoku, try again, and open up new horizons. That is exactly what I have done. Knowing that I had received instruction and training from the best possible mentor, I was resolved to do the very best possible in my job. And I chanted and exerted myself to demonstrate Mr Toda’s greatness through my work. Remember that your victory or defeat in work and life doesn’t depend upon the size of the company or organization you work for or the situation at your workplace. It all depends on you. It depends on your determination, your attitude.

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