“All other troubles are no more to me than dust before the wind.” True peace and security exist in a strong self. It is when we forge such a self by making a great vow that the path to genuine peace and security in this life opens up before us​.

In any field of endeavour, making a vow is the foundation for achieving something great. If for whatever reason a person gives up halfway or backslides, his or her commitment wasn’t based on a vow. Half-hearted desire doesn’t amount to a vow.

The Daishonin states: “All other troubles are no more to me than dust before the wind.” True peace and security exist in a strong self. It is when we forge such a self by making a great vow that the path to genuine peace and security in this life opens up before us.

On the other hand, the Daishonin strictly admonishes: “Whether tempted by good or threatened by evil, if one casts aside the Lotus Sutra, one destines oneself for hell.” The weak self that is defeated by devilish functions and internal obstacles, and gives up before achieving the goal is a manifestation of the world of Hell. Life is about winning. It follows, then, that so is Buddhism. To win is to realise justice and true happiness!

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