If the solemn legacy of mentor and disciple is ever forgotten, the Gakkai will collapse. This would spell disaster for the future of our movement.​​

In efforts to spread the Daishonin’s Buddhism, when little progress was being made in this sphere, Mr Toda called on me to take the lead. I stirred up a powerful groundswell of propagation throughout Japan, producing breakthroughs that resulted in the eventual achievement of my mentor’s cherished goal of 750,000 member households. 

That is how today’s Soka Gakkai was created. This is the true embodiment of the mentor-disciple relationship. It is I, and no one else, who built today’s Gakkai on the foundations laid down by Presidents Makiguchi and Toda. Without me, the Gakkai as we know it would not exist. 

If this solemn legacy of mentor and disciple is ever forgotten, the Gakkai will collapse. This would spell disaster for the future of our movement. Though I hesitate to mention such matters concerning myself, I wanted to speak frankly on this subject to you today for the sake of the future.​​


“Share your thoughts and celebrate the life of our beloved mentor by contributing a eulogy on the site https://daisakuikedalegacy.org/wordpress/eulogy. Your words will forever cherish his memory.”