If persecutions greater than those that arose during the Buddha’s lifetime keep occurring again and again to someone who is not guilty of the slightest fault, then one should realise that that person is a true votary of the Lotus Sutra in the age after the Buddha’s passing​.​

Our history in fact has been one of the highest honour, when viewed in the light of the Daishonin’s statement: 

If persecutions greater than those that arose during the Buddha’s lifetime keep occurring again and again to someone who is not guilty of the slightest fault, then one should realise that that person is a true votary of the Lotus Sutra in the age after the Buddha’s passing. (WND-1, 696)”

In my youth, I engraved in my heart the motto: “The greater the resistance that waves meet, the stronger they grow.” I am sure these words also resonate deeply with all who have striven valiantly alongside me in the struggle for kosen-rufu!”

“Share your thoughts and celebrate the life of our beloved mentor by contributing a eulogy on the site https://daisakuikedalegacy.org/wordpress/eulogy. Your words will forever cherish his memory.”