The Soka Gakkai has realised tremendous growth by emulating the spirit of Nichiren Daishonin, President Makiguchi and President Toda. Kosen-rufu has advanced precisely because of this commitment to the oneness of mentor and disciple in our practice.

President Toda said: “Disciples have to follow the path of a disciple. Both in word and deed, we have to reveal the mentor’s teaching with our lives.” President Ikeda have struggled for all these years with this awareness.

The Soka Gakkai has realised tremendous growth by emulating the spirit of Nichiren Daishonin, President Makiguchi and President Toda. Kosen-rufu has advanced precisely because of this commitment to the oneness of mentor and disciple in our practice.

Through his example, the Daishonin taught his followers what it means to practise in accord with the Buddha’s teaching, as expounded in the Lotus Sutra. This is something for which we are most fortunate.  Practising in accord with the Buddha’s teaching constitutes the path of a disciple. This entails steadfastly taking action in accord with the mentor’s teaching.

“Share your thoughts and celebrate the life of our beloved mentor by contributing a eulogy on the site
Your words will forever cherish his memory.”​