Tributes to Daisaku Ikeda

This is a board for all to leave your eulogy in honour of our mentor, Daisaku Ikeda. We welcome all proper and respectful tributes and condolences. All entries are subjected to approval before posting.


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239 entries.
Amélie Amélie from Lyon wrote on Dec 2, 2023 2:53 pm at 2:53 pm
J'espère que Mme Ikeda va bien. Prenez bien soin d'elle et priez pour sa santé et sa longévité. L'enseignement de M. Ikeda perdurera.
Shinichi Shinichi from Global Citizen wrote on Dec 2, 2023 2:00 pm at 2:00 pm
Dear Sensei, your lifetime efforts for peace will be continued by your disciple! Rest in peace Sensei!
Sophia Rossi Sophia Rossi from Turin wrote on Dec 2, 2023 1:22 pm at 1:22 pm
Non riesco ancora a crederci. Ma deve essere reale. È ora che i discepoli prendano il comando!
S Manu S Manu from Jersey wrote on Dec 2, 2023 1:13 pm at 1:13 pm
Human life is short. No matter how much we dread death, one day we have to face it. This day I feared for years has finally come. While I am unable to accept it, my eyes are filled with tears of gratitude. Sensei you will live in my heart and I will report all my victories and failures to you just like before!
Rodri Rodri from Sao Paolo wrote on Dec 2, 2023 1:05 pm at 1:05 pm
Sensei, continuaremos sua missão de levar paz ao mundo e felicidade a todos! Olhe para nós, seus discípulos!
J Johnson J Johnson from USA wrote on Dec 2, 2023 12:53 pm at 12:53 pm
Thank you Sensei for making the great big world small! This practice made everyone more connected in more ways than any technology today. Any differences, in any culture suddenly had bridges and pathways into the most diverse rooms you could ever imagine. We all chant the same daimoku and we all turn poison into medicine. What a mission! Thank you Sensei!
Kodjo T Kodjo T from Cape Town wrote on Dec 2, 2023 12:17 pm at 12:17 pm
One Africa with Sensei! We continue with your legacy! Belief in us ❤❤❤
Maggie Chan Maggie Chan from Hong Kong wrote on Dec 2, 2023 12:06 pm at 12:06 pm
池田先生精神及學習指導 永遠與我們全世界的會員常在…… 感恩師匠,池田先生
Michael H. Michael H. from NYC wrote on Dec 2, 2023 11:47 am at 11:47 am
Daisaku Ikeda RIP. Forever grateful to your global teachings SGI Buddhism.
Jean Cruz Jean Cruz from France wrote on Dec 2, 2023 11:38 am at 11:38 am
Repose en paix. Mon mentor dans la vie, Daisaku Ikeda. Merci pour ton guidage.
CL CL from Kuala Lumpur wrote on Dec 2, 2023 11:07 am at 11:07 am
Upon Mr. Toda's passing on April 2, 1958, Ikeda Sensei, his disciple, made a resolute vow to ensure the westward transmission of true Buddhism and global propagation to 192 countries and beyond. Sensei meticulously laid the groundwork for kosenrufu, even leaving us with 30 volumes of NHR as a guide for the future. Let us collectively make a great vow to embody the spirit of Shinichi Yamamoto in our mission field, wholeheartedly answering Sensei's call.
Åse-Grete Svartefoss Åse-Grete Svartefoss from Bergen, Norway wrote on Dec 1, 2023 9:44 pm at 9:44 pm
Dear Sensei. It was with great sadness I received the news of your passing. Thank you for everything you have done for us. My heart is filled with gratitude. Your encouragement and wisdom have been a guiding light in darkness and they always will be. You lit a lantern for us all. I will not fail you. I will win. Rest in peace, Sensei. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo
Ivy Juwono Ivy Juwono from Jakarta, Indonesia wrote on Dec 1, 2023 12:48 pm at 12:48 pm
Thank you very much for being the best, greatest, most compassionate and eternal mentor for me, your disciple. I was very lost and sad when I heard that Sensei had passed away because I considered Sensei like my own parent. I will continue Sensei's mission for kosen-rufu in my life and Sensei will always be in my heart and all Sensei's disciples throughout the world. We love you, Sensei and I will win with Sensei in my life
Dr Sujata Garg Dr Sujata Garg from Noida wrote on Nov 30, 2023 11:24 pm at 11:24 pm
Patrick Roche Patrick Roche from Villette sur Ain wrote on Nov 30, 2023 8:21 pm at 8:21 pm
Je veux exprimer ma reconnaissance infinie envers mon maître Ikeda Senseî. Il nous à légué, la mission de réaliser Kosen Rufu même après son départ avec le même esprit. Nous avons eu cet honneur et cette chance inestimable de naître de son vivant. Il restera toujours vivant dans nos cœurs tant que nous poursuivons notre mission, il continuera à vivre à travers nous. Donc on va continuer le job, je décide de poursuivre l'œuvre du Bouddha dans ma région. Bon voyage Senseî.
KHW KHW from Singapore wrote on Nov 30, 2023 11:50 am at 11:50 am
Dear Sensei, I received news of your passing with sadness. Thank you so much for all that you have done for all of us. I'm very grateful to you. Sensei, you have prepared us for this day, by continuing tirenessly to write articles and sharing encouragement in support of us. Now the baton of kosen Rufu rest with us, be assured Sensei, I will not fail you! With M &D Spirit, My Sensei's Vow is my Vow for eternity by making effort in realizing Worldwide Kosen Rufu!
曲 from 不需要 wrote on Nov 30, 2023 12:18 am at 12:18 am
池田先生在八十年代在中国蛮有影响的。我看他的第一本书就是《人生箴言》,很遗憾没有看完。 后来读到了他与汤因比的对话,汤因比是我最喜欢的历史学家,敬意油然而起。印象最深的是他否定知识分子与大众区别的议论,他说无论怎样的优秀知识分子,在现实生活中与其他人没有区别。汤因比的话批判性更强:当某个社会被分为知识分子和大众两部分,产生了相互的隔阂的时候,这预示着社会已经不健康了。 看到今日知识分子曲意逢迎服侍权贵的丑态,更觉得他们说得有道理了。世界又失去了一个伟人了。
Linda Linda from Malaysia wrote on Nov 27, 2023 1:06 pm at 1:06 pm
My beloved Sensei though you are gone RIP . Your fighting spirit for mankind peace n happiness , true disciples inherited fiercely moved on to surpass you on spreading Nichiren Daishonin buddhism for every life to transform karma to the path of absolute happiness .
Skye Foo Chuan Hui Skye Foo Chuan Hui from Singapore wrote on Nov 26, 2023 11:58 pm at 11:58 pm
Thank you Sensei for your lifelong achievements for world wide kosen-rufu and world peace! Our eternal mentor, my one and only mentor in my life. Your encouragements, teachings and philosophy has always been the anchor of my life and will continue to be. I will continue to spread your teachings and philosophy to the people around me!
Apple Mui Apple Mui from Hong Kong wrote on Nov 26, 2023 5:46 pm at 5:46 pm
我非常感恩在我的生命中有唯一的偉大的恩师—池田先生。我誓言身為弟子,永遠堅定不移,堂堂正正地繼續努力為廣宣流布奮鬥到底,秉承師弟共同的誓言,繼承師弟的足跡,照亮我恩師心中深深共鳴的和平、教育、世界和諧的偉大道路。恩師的智慧與慈悲深深地感動了我,使我更加堅定了繼續繼承他的心願,履行我對廣宣流布的誓言,並與他人,歡欣鼓舞地共同全心全意為全人類帶來幸福與和平共處。 我最親愛的恩師,誰然此刻我很難過失去你,但我堅信我們一定會生生世世繼續與你一起為廣宣流布奮鬥到底!
莊淑明 莊淑明 from 新加坡 wrote on Nov 26, 2023 1:28 pm at 1:28 pm
敬爱的池田恩师,您一生为了人类的幸福而不停的努力。感恩师匠一生的供奉,您培訓了千千万万的弟子。您,一位狮子王,在世時,为我们立下了许多好榜樣,教导我们无论在娑婆世界经历多么困難也不放棄。 我深信日莲大圣人也会因有您位卓越的弟子而开心,生也欢喜,死也欢喜。 您的歇息,我万分不舍。恩师,您将会是我永遠的师匠。
桜尾 桜尾 from 大阪、関西 wrote on Nov 26, 2023 12:40 pm at 12:40 pm
先生がお亡くなりになり悲しくさびしいです。 でも、先生は私達の心の中で何時も一緒で見守っていただいています。これからも先生のご指導を胸にきざみ皆んな仲良く元気で広布に邁進しし、この世で果たさん使命を共々頑張って行きましょう! そして先生の弟子として純真な信心をつらぬき通し先生にご報告したいと思っていますので,これからも全身にがんばりましょう。
Alfred Lim Alfred Lim from Malaysia wrote on Nov 26, 2023 10:23 am at 10:23 am
I stand here not only to mourn his passing but to affirm my unwavering commitment to perpetuating his legacy. I pledge to carry forth his teachings, embodying the spirit of compassion, resilience, and unwavering dedication to peace. Thank you, Sensei, for showing us the way. I shall remain steadfast in our commitment to continue worldwide kosen-rufu, ensuring that your legacy shines brightly through our unwavering dedication and action
Rodrigo Rodrigo from New York City, USA wrote on Nov 25, 2023 10:32 pm at 10:32 pm
Thank you Sensei! You will be my eternal mentor, I will never forget your compassion and concern for all of us when you came to New York. In 2000, when I went through a terrible health problem, I wrote to you and I was so surprised to received a letter from you telling me that you will chant for my speedy recovery. With these words, I persevered and chanted daimoku filled with a lion roar. I have overcome my health completely because of you. I will stand up to be a true disciple!
จินตหรา จินตหรา from แสนตลาด wrote on Nov 25, 2023 9:38 pm at 9:38 pm
.ขอขอบคุณ ดร.ไดซากุ อิเคดะ ที่ท่านได้อุทิศตนเผยแพร่คำสอน ธรรมะอันอัศจรรย์นี้ เป็นคำสอนและเป็นแสงสว่างในชีวิต ต่อสู้กับปัญหาอุปสรรคจนสำ เร็จ พระธรรมอันทรงคุณค่านี้ จะถูกจารึกตลอดไป ข้าพเจ้าขออธิษฐานและอุทิศบุญให้ ดร.ไดซากุ อิเคดะ ค่ะ ขอบคุณค่ะ
林志昇 林志昇 from 高雄 wrote on Nov 25, 2023 8:27 pm at 8:27 pm
敬愛的池田先生, 知道您逝世的消息, 我感到萬分悲痛。可是,您不但為世界廣布奉獻的一身也為了弟子的我們不辭辛勞地奮戰著,這些我將永生難忘。廣布第二幕早已開始,可是現在真的是弟子奮起的時候。我會繼續為台灣廣布做出貢獻。成為一名正直的弟子。先生,請看著我!
원경윤 원경윤 from 한국 wrote on Nov 25, 2023 6:20 pm at 6:20 pm
"행복해서 웃는 것이 아니라, 행복해지기 위해 웃는다. 웃는 얼굴은 행복의 원인이 되기 때문이다." 언제나 어떤일 때문에 불안한 저에게 선생님의 말씀은 와닿았다. 이명언을 말씀하신 선생님을 영원히 기억하고 마음에 스승과 제자의 정신을 평생 담아 살겠습니다.
直美香り 直美香り from 日本 wrote on Nov 25, 2023 6:12 pm at 6:12 pm
先生、いつも励ましのお言葉をかけていただきありがとうございます。本当にありがとう。先生の弟子として 前に進み 全てに大勝利致します。 池田夫人とご家族に心よりお悔やみ申し上げます。
V V from Sydney wrote on Nov 25, 2023 6:10 pm at 6:10 pm
Ikeda Sensei, thank you for being the mentor of our lives. Your legacy will forever be etched in our hearts, and your teachings will continue to shape the destinies of those who walk the path of compassion and understanding. May you continue your mission and I look forward to time that I may continue mine together with you as your disciple again.
V V from Sydney wrote on Nov 25, 2023 6:09 pm at 6:09 pm
In every endeavour, he reminded us that our purpose was not only personal fulfilment but the betterment of humanity as a whole. As we bid farewell to our beloved mentor, let us not mourn the loss but celebrate the extraordinary life he lived. Let us carry forward the torch of his teachings, nurturing the flame of compassion, resilience, and dialogue in our own lives and the lives of generations to come. May we find solace in knowing that Ikeda sensei's spirit
V V from Sydney wrote on Nov 25, 2023 6:08 pm at 6:08 pm
In doing so, he fostered a global community united by the common threads of compassion, respect, and shared humanity. Ikeda Sensei's unwavering commitment to peace and education ignited within us a fervour to be agents of positive change in the world. He taught us that our actions, no matter how small, could create ripples that extended far beyond the shores of our individual lives.
V V from Sydney wrote on Nov 25, 2023 6:08 pm at 6:08 pm
Through his example, Ikeda Sensei illuminated the path of absolute happiness and instilled in us an unshakable belief in the power of hope. His legacy, however, extends far beyond the realms of philosophy and discourse. Ikeda sensei was a champion of dialogue, a firm believer that understanding could bridge even the widest chasms of disagreement. He encouraged us to embrace diversity, to engage in conversations that transcended cultural and ideological boundaries.
V V from Sydney wrote on Nov 25, 2023 6:07 pm at 6:07 pm
From the first moment I read and seen his guidances, I was drawn to the profound wellspring of wisdom that seemed to flow effortlessly from his words which etched themselves into the very fabric of my being. He taught us that life's challenges were not roadblocks but opportunities for growth, that even in the face of adversity, we could summon the courage to transform our destinies.
V V from Sydney wrote on Nov 25, 2023 6:05 pm at 6:05 pm
Dear Sensei, as I received the news of your passing, words alone cannot encapsulate the magnitude of the pain I feel and impact you had on my life. But, as much as I can in this solemn moment, I humbly attempt in writing to convey my emotions and the enduring legacy of a great man whose spirit will forever resonate in my heart. Daisaku Ikeda, my mentor and my spiritual compass, was not just a spiritual leader; he was the embodiment of unwavering determination and boundless compassion.
Jintarha Santalad Jintarha Santalad from Thailand wrote on Nov 25, 2023 11:44 am at 11:44 am
Thanks you Dr. Daisaku Ikeda for spreading the teachings. This amazing dharma It is a teaching and a light in life. Fight over obstacles until you achieve the goal. This dharma will be written and distributed throughout the world for people to know and continue to do good deeds. I would like to pray and dedicate merit to Dr. Daisaku Ikeda.
高田紀子 高田紀子 from 東京。日本 wrote on Nov 23, 2023 10:15 am at 10:15 am
常恒葛 常恒葛 from 江苏省/ 新加坡 wrote on Nov 23, 2023 10:07 am at 10:07 am
池田先生就像似我的爸爸,也是导师,更是全人类的和平使者!他也辛苦了大半辈子,该是歇息了! 他的离去虽然哀痛,但这不是悲痛的时刻,而是要让身为弟子的我们继承他的大愿与大业! 池田门下,我们一定要收拾起心情,重心出发!
Shane Blaine Shane Blaine from Delhi wrote on Nov 23, 2023 10:00 am at 10:00 am
Thank you Sensei. Your wisdom and guidance has profoundly changed my life. I could not have found a better mentor.
Aditi K. Mehra Aditi K. Mehra from India wrote on Nov 23, 2023 9:40 am at 9:40 am
Thank you sensei Thank you for all the struggles you lived for world peace and in the hearts of all of us Rest on the big eagle peak I will hold you in my heart