From City of Florence, Italy, the Democratic Party have voiced too 

Mirco Rufilli (PD): “Thank you Daisaku Ikeda, man of peace” Democratic Party

November 27, 2023  

Democratic Party councilor Mirco Rufilli remembered Daisaku Ikeda, who passed away a few days ago, in the City Council. 

“Daisaku Ikeda, philosopher, writer, educator, and president of Soka Gakkai, the lay Buddhist institute present in over 190 countries worldwide, has left us. But Daisaku Ikeda was above all a man of peace and dialogue, dedicating his entire life to peace. Just think that every year since 1983, he has sent to the United Nations and personalities worldwide a text of “Peace Proposals” containing not only his deepest reflections but also real solutions for human coexistence, respect for the environment and all forms of life, abolition of nuclear weapons, war, violence, but also on literacy and poverty. He promoted a spirit of coexistence based on dialogue and the awareness that every human being is unique, that the desire for personal deep happiness cannot exist without that of others, and that it is increasingly urgent, in today’s global society, to have compassion for others and the courage to change oneself, which he calls “Human Revolution.” His dedication to dialogue allowed him to meet the world’s greatest activists such as Rosa Parks and Nelson Mandela, but also criticized political leaders like Mao Zedong and Fidel Castro, creating opportunities for dialogue that served to address the most delicate issues and to attempt, where many others had failed, to find mediations and peaceful solutions even for ongoing conflicts. For this merit, he received numerous awards worldwide, including the United Nations Peace Prize, the Gandhi International Prize in Australia, the Rosa Parks Award in the United States, he is a Grand Officer of the Italian Republic, and he received honorary citizenship in Florence in 2017, the Golden Florin in 1992, and the Seal of Peace in 2007. Soka Gakkai literally means “society for the creation of value,” that human value that is increasingly necessary in a society that looks more at having than being, and Ikeda has been a beacon in the world on this; today, he leaves a legacy to thousands of people who will continue to uphold those values of peace and dialogue that he always supported. I close with two of his quotes: “The transformation of the world must begin with an individual transformation” and “The true battle of the twenty-first century will not be between civilizations or religions, but rather between violence and nonviolence.”  

Thank you for everything, Daisaku Ikeda.”



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