The Vow of Direct Disciples of Ikeda Sensei toward 2024 Soka Gakkai’s theme “Year of Fresh Departure for a Youthful Soka Gakkai Worldwide”
Youthful Leaders from the World Standing Up
Article Translated from Seikyo Shimbun on November 25, 2023
Direct disciples of Ikeda sensei from all over the world have inherited the vow and set sail for the “Year of Fresh Departure of a Youthful Soka Gakkai Worldwide”. Seikyo Shimbun publishes the voices of young leaders from all over the world.
SGI-UK Young Men’s Division Leader Max Erle
Sensei’s Guidance Serves as a Guiding Compass for Our Lives

Max Erle, SGI-UK Young Men’s Division Leader
On 18 November 2023, I received the news of Sensei’s passing the moment I woke up. In a state of shock, I called my senior in-faith, and we exchanged conversation.
This senior in-faith had taken painstaking efforts to encourage me to stand up and strive valiantly for kosen-rufu and study the novels ‘The Human Revolution’ and ‘The New Human Revolution’ since I was 10 years old. No matter what happens in life, the bond between mentor and disciple is eternal, and together, we pledged to make Ikeda Sensei’s guidance the guiding compass of our lives, as we move forward.
On the same day, a memorial service was held at the Taplow Court in which gongyo was recited and daimoku was chanted. We offered our heartfelt prayers and chanted daimoku filled with gratitude for the early repose of Sensei. The deep sorrow gradually diminished and it turned into the realization that we are disciples with an eternal bond with Sensei, and the determination to continue to advance ever more for kosen-rufu.

Members of SGI-UK pledged to be vanguards of Europe kosen-rufu – taking a commemorative photo at Taplow Court
A friend of a YMD member boldly declared, “From now on, the future depends on us!”—In that single phrase, I felt a glimpse of the profound impact Sensei made in fostering us, the youths.
Thanks to Sensei’s selfless dedication in paving the way for worldwide kosen-rufu, I was able to encounter the Mystic Law and lead a meaningful life as a youth.
Sensei! Moving forward, I am determined to challenge my own human revolution and to continue sharing the legacy of Sensei’s mind and spirit, so that members can pave the way to victory after victory. This is my resolve to repay this deep sense of obligation to Sensei, my eternal mentor.
Sensei! The Young Men Division (YMD) of SGI-UK will strive it out for kosen-rufu with you in our hearts. As your eternal disciple, we will overcome our own weaknesses, while carrying out the YMD’s traditions of ‘fostering successors’, ‘safeguarding Soka Gakkai’ and ‘achieving victory in society’.
“Share your thoughts and celebrate the life of our beloved mentor by contributing a eulogy on the site
Your words will forever cherish his memory.”