The Eternal ‘Skies of Ever Victorious Kansai’ that Mentor and Disciple Rely On

Article translated from Seikyo Shimbun (Kansai Local Pages) on 24 November 2023


“My beloved Kansai, I’m counting on you!” – Ikeda Sensei who has visited Kansai a total of 258 times give encouragement to the Kansai members. (8 November 2007, Kansai Ikeda Memorial Centre


Kansai Soka Gakkai was built by Ikeda Sensei with his own hands. Kansai members had been struggling against and triumphing over all persecutions determinedly with Sensei. Sensei had ever mentioned, “I would like to state that it’s here in Kansai that my entire spirit continues.” Now, we would like to make a vow to eternalize the Ever-Victorious spirit of mentor and disciple under the clear skies of ‘Ever Victorious Kansai’.  


Kansai Soka Gakkai Leader Yamauchi 
“Let’s move forward” with a spirit of gratitude!

Yoichi Yamauchi, Kansai Soka Gakkai Leader


The sense of gratitude towards the unparalleled mentor, Ikeda Sensei flows forth our entire being like a rapid stream and set us ablaze with the determination to repay obligation to Ikeda Sensei.  

Come to think of it, it has been 45 years since the Kansai Soka Gakkai song ‘Ever-Victorious Skies’ was introduced. The first line of the lyrics goes, ‘Now, let’s once again establish the solidarity. You and me, from time without beginning’. In July 1978, I clearly remember my heart pounding with joy when I happened to attend the Kansai Leaders’ Meeting at Kansai Toda Memorial Auditorium where the song was first presented. 

It was in the following year, in 1979 that I personally experienced the significance of the song of ‘Ever-Victorious Skies’ which Sensei penned down for us. Ikeda Sensei had suddenly resigned as the Soka Gakkai 3rd President. However, the members in Kansai made a heartfelt cry, “Ikeda Sensei will forever be our mentor!” while braving the storm of persecution. The disciples paved a new path for all to advance.  

Now, we want to declare loudly once again, “Our mentor is forever Ikeda Sensei!” In addition, we will embrace Sensei in our heart and advance in the journey of kosen-rufu while singing the song of ‘Ever Victorious skies’. 


Soka Gakkai Memorial Service for Ikeda sensei held throughout Kansai] ‘Soka Gakkai Memorial Services’ were held in various parts of Kansai on the 23 November 2023. Besides, a solemn ceremony was held at the Kansai Toda Memorial Auditorium in Toyonaka City, Osaka


Since Sensei marked his first step onto Kansai 71 years ago, he had risked his life to build a great citadel for the victory of the people, just as he described in the 2nd verse of the lyrics, ‘Our honorable golden citadel’. 

Since the era of creating alliance for truth and justice in the 80s, all 7 prefectures of Kansai are filled with the vitality of “developing capable people” and “strengthening the youths”. Everyone is ablaze with indomitable Kansai spirit and fought resolutely. I also received irreplaceable trainings by participating in the propagation efforts for kosen-rufu, the “Heisei Religious Reforms”, and many culture festivals of youthful and boisterous dances. 

The construction of the Kansai Ikeda Memorial Auditorium has finally commenced. We would like to raise youthful and strong capable people in succession who will shoulder the next era and build youthful citadel of ever-victorious fortune that will take the lead in worldwide kosen-rufu. I deeply believe that this is the mission of Ikeda Sensei’s direct disciples in Kansai. 

In the 3rd verse of the lyrics in ‘Ever Victorious skies’, It states, “Let’s move forward without fear” — the Kansai spirit is “moving forward and moving forward again”. 

Sensei entrusted kansai members with the guiding principle ‘Ever-Victorious Kansai’! Now is the time for each and every one of us to make Ikeda sensei’s heart as our own and shine brilliantly in the unity of ‘One Kansai’. I am sincerely repaying my obligation to Ikeda sensei by fulfilling the vow of Kansai’s disciple who are directly connected to Ikeda Sensei. 



“Share your thoughts and celebrate the life of our beloved mentor by contributing a eulogy on the site Your words will forever cherish his memory.”

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