I have fulfilled my vow to my mentor.
I have fulfilled my vow to my fellow members.
I have fulfilled all the objectives I pledged to achieve.

On that day, when we gathered at the foot of Mt Fuji, we entered a new stage in the progress of kosen-rufu. It was a cold day. The grand peak of Fuji looked down on us from above, serenely witnessing the event.

The ceremony on March 16 was exhilarating. Mr Toda announced that he was passing the baton of kosen-rufu on to the youth division. The hearts of his young disciples burned with enthusiasm. Their proud sense of mission leapt up like dancing flames.


“Share your thoughts and celebrate the life of our beloved mentor by contributing a eulogy on the site https://daisakuikedalegacy.org/wordpress/eulogy. Your words will forever cherish his memory.”