President Toda said to us youth: “If you would be my disciples, you mustn’t allow yourselves to be defeated by any false or erroneous arguments. You need to demolish them and show them for the falsehood they are:” It is the pride and honor of my youth that I unswervingly followed this course outlined by Mr Toda.

The Latter Day of the Law is an age of quarrels and disputes. It is a time when words are wildly distorted and truth and falsehood are turned on their heads. If the forces dedicated to good lose vitality and strength, the people will suffer and society will fall into disarray.

Young people need to acquire the ability to tell the difference between truth and falsehood. They need to respond vigorously to malicious slanders and defamations that are aimed at discrediting those who champion good and at undermining their unity. Youth mustn’t be timid or fainthearted.

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