I was also 19 years old when I had my fateful meeting with Mr Toda, and embarked on the great and noble path of striving with the same commitment as my mentor. Even at the time of bitterest adversity when Mr Toda’s businesses fell into dire financial straits, I continued to give my all to support and protect him, taking on the full brunt of all criticism from society.

The following entry in my diary in December 1950 expresses my feelings at that challenging time:​​

“Struggles and hardships!

In their midst, you will develop true humanity.

In their midst, you will forge an iron will.

In their midst, you will know real tears.

In their midst, know that there lies the human revolution.”

“Share your thoughts and celebrate the life of our beloved mentor by contributing a eulogy on the site https://daisakuikedalegacy.org/wordpress/eulogy. Your words will forever cherish his memory.”​