Speak out courageously and without hesitation for your beliefs! Nothing is more refreshing and inspiring than young people confidently sharing their views. You don’t have to worry about being eloquent. The truth itself is powerful. 

In The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings, the Daishonin states: “The first shi of the word shishi, or ‘lion’ [which means ‘teacher’], is the Wonderful Law that is passed on by the teacher. The second shi [which means ‘child’] is the Wonderful Law as it is received by the disciples. The ‘roar’ [of the term ‘lion’s roar’ (shishiku)] is the sound of the teacher and the disciples chanting in unison” (OTT, 111). The essence of the lion’s roar I s the mentor and disciple speaking out for truth, united in spirit, to advance kosen-rufu

The first three Soka Gakkai presidents, sharing the bonds of mentor and disciple, all triumphed because they spoke out fearlessly in this way. Now it’s time for you, the members of the youth division, to take centre stage. Speak out with courage and raise high the banner of victory and honour!

“Share your thoughts and celebrate the life of our beloved mentor by contributing a eulogy on the site https://daisakuikedalegacy.org/wordpress/eulogy. Your words will forever cherish his memory.”