Now is the time for us to build eternally indestructible citadels in our respective areas, filled with capable people united in the spirit of oneness of mentor and disciple. I hope each one of you will create a noble record of victory without fail. To win is to become happy. Ours is a struggle to enable all people to attain Buddhahood. Those who use their wisdom and devote themselves tirelessly for the sake of kosen-rufu in the present will become great thinkers and leaders in lifetime after lifetime. To all of you who are exerting yourselves as the foremost leaders of the new era, I say: Upholding the shared commitment of mentor and disciple, boldly demonstrate exemplary leadership like the ancient Chinese general Zhuge Liang, inspiring and energizing everyone. Uniting in purpose and spirit, forge ahead joyfully, embodying the Daishonin’s teaching of “many in body, one in mind.”

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